The Python Data Analysis Library

The Python Data Analysis Library#

Pandas is Python library that provides fast, flexible and data structures that lets you work real life data quickly. Typically, we import the library like this:

import pandas as pd

Let’s load the catalysis.csv file we created before. I will download it for you first:

!curl -O
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   261  100   261    0     0    544      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   544

The file should now be in the working directory. Let’s check that:

!ls catalysis.csv

We can now load the file into a pandas DataFrame:

data = pd.read_csv('catalysis.csv')
# Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O
0 0 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 30 250.95 107.32 18.51 3.33 4.98
2 60 123.66 132.33 74.85 7.34 20.14
3 90 84.47 98.81 166.19 13.14 42.10
4 120 30.24 38.74 249.78 19.54 55.98
5 150 27.94 10.42 292.32 24.07 60.65
6 180 13.54 6.11 309.50 27.26 62.54

DataFrame is a two-dimensional data structure that can store data of different types (e.g., numbers, strings, booleans) in a table format. It is similar to a spreadsheet. The columns can have names. Here are the column names:

Index(['# Time', 'NO3', 'NO2', 'N2', 'NH3', 'N2O'], dtype='object')

We do not particularly like the fact that the first column is has the “#” symbol. Let’s remove it by renaming the column:

data = data.rename(columns={"# Time": "Time"})
Index(['Time', 'NO3', 'NO2', 'N2', 'NH3', 'N2O'], dtype='object')

That’s better!

Let’s summarize the data. The function DataFrame.describe() provides a summary of the data. It shows the mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and quartiles of the data:

Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O X
count 7.000000 7.000000 7.000000 7.000000 7.000000 7.000000 7.000000
mean 90.000000 147.257143 56.247143 158.735714 13.525714 35.198571 89.035714
std 64.807407 175.825979 55.215843 129.625326 10.498362 26.626079 44.289176
min 0.000000 13.540000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 45.000000 29.090000 8.265000 46.680000 5.335000 12.560000 82.825000
50% 90.000000 84.470000 38.740000 166.190000 13.140000 42.100000 95.290000
75% 135.000000 187.305000 103.065000 271.050000 21.805000 58.315000 110.315000
max 180.000000 500.000000 132.330000 309.500000 27.260000 62.540000 141.680000

How can we extract the data pertaining to “NO3”? Easy!

0    500.00
1    250.95
2    123.66
3     84.47
4     30.24
5     27.94
6     13.54
Name: NO3, dtype: float64

What type of object is this? Let’s check:


Aha! It’s a pandas Series! You can go to the documentation to see what you can do with it.

What if you want to extract the data pertaining to “NO3” and “NO2”? You can do this by passing a list of column names to the dataframe:

data[['NO3', 'NO2']]
0 500.00 0.00
1 250.95 107.32
2 123.66 132.33
3 84.47 98.81
4 30.24 38.74
5 27.94 10.42
6 13.54 6.11

What if I ask for a column that does not exist? Try it out to see the error.

Another useful operation is to extract a subset of the dataframe based on some condition. For example, let’s extract the data for the first 90 minutes:

data[data['Time'] <= 90]
Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O X
0 0 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 30 250.95 107.32 18.51 3.33 4.98 114.91
2 60 123.66 132.33 74.85 7.34 20.14 141.68
3 90 84.47 98.81 166.19 13.14 42.10 95.29

What is going on here? What on earth is data['Time'] <= 90? Let’s print it to see:

data['Time'] <= 90
0     True
1     True
2     True
3     True
4    False
5    False
6    False
Name: Time, dtype: bool

It looks like a boolean Series object. It contains True and False values. When you pass it to the dataframe, it only keeps the rows where the condition is True. This is neat!

What about getting the rows corresponding to times between 60 and 150 minutes? This is how you can do it:

data[(data['Time'] >= 60) & (data['Time'] <= 150)]
Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O X
2 60 123.66 132.33 74.85 7.34 20.14 141.68
3 90 84.47 98.81 166.19 13.14 42.10 95.29
4 120 30.24 38.74 249.78 19.54 55.98 105.72
5 150 27.94 10.42 292.32 24.07 60.65 84.60

Pay attention to the parentheses. They are necessary! The character & is the logical AND operator. It is applied element-wise to the Series objects. If it sees a True and a False, it returns False. Only if it sees two Trues, it returns True. Note that this is different from the and operator in Python. If you try using and instead of &, you will get an error.

Let’s do an OR operation. For example, let’s get the rows where the time is either less than 60 minutes or greater than 150 minutes:

data[(data['Time'] < 60) | (data['Time'] > 150)]
Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O X
0 0 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 30 250.95 107.32 18.51 3.33 4.98 114.91
6 180 13.54 6.11 309.50 27.26 62.54 81.05

The | operator is the logical OR operator. It is applied element-wise to the Series objects. If it sees a True or a False, it returns True. Only if it sees two Falses, it returns False.

How do we do a NOT operation? The operator we need is ~. For example, let’s get the rows where the time is not between 60 and 150 minutes:

data[~(data['Time'] >= 60) & (data['Time'] <= 150)]
Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O X
0 0 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 30 250.95 107.32 18.51 3.33 4.98 114.91

Let’s repeat the total mass calculation that we did before:

total_mass = data.iloc[:, 1:].sum(axis=1)
0    500.00
1    385.09
2    358.32
3    404.71
4    394.28
5    415.40
6    418.95
dtype: float64

The result of such manipulations is of type Series:


Mass is not conserved in this reaction. This doesn’t sound right. There should be another species that we are not taking into account. Let’s call that species “X”. The mass of that species is the total mass minus the mass of the other species:

mass_X = 500 - data.iloc[:, 1:].sum(axis=1)
0      0.00
1    114.91
2    141.68
3     95.29
4    105.72
5     84.60
6     81.05
dtype: float64

Let’s add a column to the dataframe:

data['X'] = mass_X
Time NO3 NO2 N2 NH3 N2O X
0 0 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 30 250.95 107.32 18.51 3.33 4.98 114.91
2 60 123.66 132.33 74.85 7.34 20.14 141.68
3 90 84.47 98.81 166.19 13.14 42.10 95.29
4 120 30.24 38.74 249.78 19.54 55.98 105.72
5 150 27.94 10.42 292.32 24.07 60.65 84.60
6 180 13.54 6.11 309.50 27.26 62.54 81.05

Let’s save our work to a new file:


Here are the contents of the new file:

!cat catalysis-with-X.csv

You can save the file in different formats. For example, you can save it in Excel format:


If you are working on Google Colab, download the file to your local machine. If you are working on your own computer, locate the file, and open it with Excel.