Homework 2

  • Type your name and email in the “Student details” section below.

  • Develop the code and generate the figures you need to solve the problems using this notebook.

  • For the answers that require a mathematical proof or derivation you can either:

    • Type the answer using the built-in latex capabilities. In this case, simply export the notebook as a pdf and upload it on gradescope; or

    • You can print the notebook (after you are done with all the code), write your answers by hand, scan, turn your response to a single pdf, and upload on gradescope.

  • The total homework points are 100. Please note that the problems are not weighed equally.


  • This is due before the beginning of the next lecture.

  • Please match all the pages corresponding to each of the questions when you submit on gradescope.

Student details

  • First Name:

  • Last Name:

  • Email:

Problem 1 - Lists

Consider the following list:

data = [1, 4, 3, 10, 4, 3, 4, 4]

Add the element 6 at the end of data:

# your code here

Add the list [0, -1, 3] at the begining of data

# your code here

How many elements are in the data?

# your code here

Extract all data elements from the second to the second to last (inclusive).

# your code here

Extract all data elements from the second to the second to last (inclusive) skipping every other element.

# your code here

Sort the list.

# your code here

Find the minimum of the list.

# your code here

Find the average of the elements in the list.

# your code here

Problem 2 - Numerical Python

Let’s make a random array:

import numpy as np
np.random.seed(12345) # We need this so that we get the same numbers
                      # every time we runt the following code
x = np.random.randn(100)

Find the minimum of x.

# your code here

Find the maximum of x.

Find the maximum of x.

# your code here

Use x.shape to get the number of elements of x as an integer.

# your code here

Find the sum of all the elements of x divided by the number of elements of x. This is the average.

# your code here

Compare the average you found above with the result of x.mean(). Are they the same?

# your code here

Square the elements of x and store them in a new array called x2.

# your code here

Find the average of x2 and subtract from it the square of average of x.

# your code here

Compare the result you found on the cell above with x.var(). Are they the same? (Remark: You just calculated the empirical variance of the “data” x in two different ways!)

# your code here